Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Divya 313 (Quant-161, Verbal-152 )

GRE(wrote today): scored 313, quant-161, verbal-152 (QVQVQ)

For Verbal: There were no difficult words. Just learn the barrons 333 high frequency words and learn to use them in context. Understanding the pattern of the question is very important. Try magoosh tricks or princeton review tips for verbal.
i)Verbal TC, SE have multiple triggers(negative, positive, all sorts), and thats were many might go wrong. I would say instead of focussing on learning words, read editorials of newspapers like The Hindu, daily, understand the concept behind what they write and learn the words you come across. Most importantly understand the sentence structure, which one word might negate whole sense of sentence.
ii) Reading editorials pretty much covers RC part too. Practice the techniques for speed reading. Instead of reading lengthy passages, skim through them, come back later when you know where everything approximately is. Lots of practice is the only thing required for RCs.

For quant: I don't know if its really true that the same pattern repeats the whole month. But its better to be mentally prepared for such things. Quant was very tricky(as per my knowledge i made 2-3 wrong , but scored less ). For quant, Review each topic, practice questions involving differnet concepts.

No other tests come close to ets tests. But do take minimum three complete tests to be able to go through the test. 


  1. I totally support GRE/GMAT based exams when a student is going to enter into programs of such a higher academic level.


  2. Thanks to a brilliant effort in publishing your article gathering detailed information.Really a great compiled list and its also a very informative and valuable links to learned few new things


  3. Thanks for sharing your Experience Divya. Yup,Take note on GRE Word List daily and learn to practice it in the Context Friends.As Verbal is Crucial sometimes it needs Hard work to Crack it.

  4. Hi..How much did you scored in the ets prep tests?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks for sharing your Experience Divya. People must appreciate such efforts instead of criticising the good deeds. Keep working.
    Gre Coaching in Hyderabad
